Summer of Solutions

Summer of Solutions 2009




It's Getting Hot in Here

Summer of Solutions: Omaha


Stationed in the heartland of America, Omaha is Nebraska’s premier city and has nestled comfortably next to the Missouri river since its pioneer days.  A city poised to make the next metropolitan leap up, Omaha is at pivotal stage in creating highly efficient and sustainable communities that focus on renewable energy sources of the future.  More specifically the Gifford Park Neighborhood (GPN), faced with housing crises, increasing unemployment rates, and a consistent influx of immigrants, is home to an ever increasing diversity of people to link together for a greener Omaha of tomorrow.

The SOS-OMA team is excited to foster new relationships within the Gifford Park area by utilizing a new form of facilitating and brainstorming, called open space technology. To be held at the newly renovated Yates community center, the Open Space Conference will work on bringing people from all over the city to address ways in which Omaha can grab the reigns of its energy future and steer it in the renewable direction.

A current list of ideas might include:

  • Weatherization of inefficient energy houses
  • Further expansion of community garden programs
  • Increasing the use of bikes with the community bike shop
  • Creating and sustaining youth programs at the community center
    • Physical fitness programs (Soccer leagues, basketball leagues)
    • Art classes
  • Creating a Food Coop

QUESTIONS? Hit us up with anything at OR
Hit up one or more of our solutionaries described below!

Corey Lynch
Hey all! This is Corey Lynch.  I am currently a Secondary Education and Human Sciences major attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  I was born and raised in the Gifford Park neighborhood and can remember vividly attending elementary at Yates (now the community center), mass Easter Egg hunts in the park, free youth tennis lessons, and could never forget my Sun Dawg days.  I love anything to do with outside, whether rain or shine, and enjoy being around positive individuals.  Let’s do work, ladies and gents!

Tyler Magnuson
tylerHi this is Tyler Magnuson, I'm currently a junior at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. I have been inspired by the social movements that have come before me and I'm excited for the movement for a more sustainable community based society that is sprouting now. I enjoy being with friends, working in the field, biking, traveling the Midwest and walking around in my hometown, Omaha. I'm excited for this summer because of the potential to facilitate the growth of stronger and healthier communities.


aaronHey! I'm Aaron French and currently I'm a sophomore at St. Mary's College of Maryland, where I'm studying the connections between religious communities and sustainable practices. I've been working in the youth climate movement for a while and am excited to bring the movement's energy and power to the Gifford Park Neighborhood in Omaha. I work mainly with the Sierra Student Coalition, the Maryland Student Climate Coalition, Nebraskans for Peace and the Energy Action Coalition. I really enjoy cycling on the backroads of southern Maryland, climbing trees, reading dystopian fiction and French culture. I'm really excited to develop a progressive youth culture in Omaha that empowers youth and students to be active in their communities, as well as help empower a neighborhood to build itself as a model for sustainable living. Much love!

Ruth Rasby –
Corinne Wardian -
Lance Brisbois –
Matt Cronin –
Shannon Kyler –

Grand Aspirations empowers, connects, and supports youth leaders as they create innovative, self-sustaining, and inter-dependent initiatives that systemically integrate climate and energy solutions, economic security, and social justice.
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Grand Aspirations is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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