Our Vision
Summer of Solutions
Our Projects


It's Getting Hot in Here

Summer of Solutions: Burlington, VT

Program Leaders:

courtneyCourtney Devoid is a high school senior has been involved in sustainable initiatives for several years. She was a participant/ director in last years Summer of Solutions project and is excited to host the project this year. She is the director of the Vermont Sustainable Heating Initiative and loves working on Energy Policy and helping those less fortunate than herself. She is looking forward to a summer filled with as much fun as the last one.


tombethTom and Beth Tailer have been co-directors of the Governor’s Institute of Engineering at the University of Vermont for ten years.  They have worked with students from all over America and other countries on sustainable engineering.  For the last four years they have taken the US team to the International Earth Science Olympiad.  Their favorite class room is a Tipi 1200 feet up Morse Mt. in the winter.  People from Smuggler’s Notch Ski area visit the Tipi and learn about climate change and other environmental science issues.

Tom is a High School Physics teacher. Beth is a Neo-Natal intensive care nurse. Beth and Tom live with a small flock of sheep, some chickens, and a bee hive on 14 acres in Essex Vermont.

thomasThomas Dickerson is currently a first year Computer Science and Physics major at Saint Michael's College. He coordinated last year's Vermont SoS project, and is a founding member of the Vermont Sustainable Heating Initiative, as well as their webmaster. An Eagle Scout, Thomas loves devoting time to serving his community.




Grand Aspirations empowers, connects, and supports youth leaders as they create innovative, self-sustaining, and inter-dependent initiatives that systemically integrate climate and energy solutions, economic security, and social justice.
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Grand Aspirations is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Questions and comments to kai.bosworth@gmail.com