Our Vision
Summer of Solutions
Our Projects


It's Getting Hot in Here

The "State" of Michigan

As a state, residents of Michigan have proven in the past that hard work, entrepreneurial vision and community synergy can provide an excellent tool to build with.  People have always been the most important component of any solid, sustaining system, and Michiganders are no different.  Although it is very difficult for individuals in desperate, depressing times to be strong and dedicated to the solutions, it is vital to the transformation process that empowerment of the people is the driving force behind the turnaround.  Michigan is in a unique position to utilize the poor economic and societal conditions as an opportunity to begin to shift the power back to the people so that they can be the ones constructing and nurturing a new sustainable system.  Eager job-seekers and abandoned infrastructure are glaring, available components to what is needed to rebuild the infrastructure while restoring the atmosphere of excitement and pride that this state once shared.  This restoration will contain small elements of the current and past developments but will rely heavily on new, solutionary elements to ensure sustained positive progress that is driven by the people.

Michigan, and its neighbors Indiana and Ohio sit at the forefront of the recession. Once the cornerstone of American manufacturing, the drop in U.S. based auto manufacturing has left thousands unemployed in the Midwest and the Millennial generation in search of an economic future. In the Midwest where unemployment hovers at 15% in Michigan – the highest jobless rate since early 1983 – combined with a growing national trend of jobless young people, emphasized by the Labor Dept.’s report that the employment rate of 16-to-24 year olds has eroded to 46.6 percent — the lowest ratio of working young Americans in that age group, including all but those in the military, since WWII, it is time for us as young people to chart a new economic path, we must Define the Decade for the auto states as the decade we become the clean energy manufacturing states

In 2010, Michigan is ready to make the commitment to community empowered renovation and restructuring.  Defining what the next ten years for Michigan will mean is not an easy task, as we faced some of the biggest challenges since the the state's conception some 173 years ago.  Although large in thought, the dedicated and passionate residents are prepared to take on this fight to restore a once proud heritage of workers and industry.  Peppered in and throughout the surrounding communities of Detroit, such as Highland Park, are solutions just waiting to be capitalize on and the summer of 2010 will be the launching point for the next ten years of creating the vision of the holistic, clean energy economy within Southeast Michigan.

Grand Aspirations empowers, connects, and supports youth leaders as they create innovative, self-sustaining, and inter-dependent initiatives that systemically integrate climate and energy solutions, economic security, and social justice.
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Grand Aspirations is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Questions and comments to kai.bosworth@gmail.com